My Little Neverland

Want to Keep My Memories Alive!! Wanna Share my Happiness & Things Happened around ME


Boring Day!!!

Boring Boring!!! My boss is not in office these two days so I just need to finish my daily routine work and some adhoc job only..... but a bit boring. As my mom said I'm so troublesome cos I'll complain I'll so busy on my work and I'll also complain about I'm so free... nothing to do.....

I went out this afternoon for carry-in the printer server for maintanance. They just asked me to fill in the form and collect the server only and nothing more... I keep asking when will I get back the server, when will they contact me... how long is it take for repair... I think the staff member will think that I'm so annoying...then I came back to office straight away cos I don't want to leave my office to someone else who is so 呆.........>.<

I baked a new york cheese cake last nite taste is very good (I think) but i found the texture is rugged... I don't know y ... ><"maybe the cheese maybe the eggs....... who knows.................

So So Sleepy! I promise I'll sleep early tonite!!!!!


Movie nite .... but no movie......

Planned to see my honey's movie... and ready for cry... but the Maltesers ruined my plan... so crowded last nite in Langham place...... full house .... poor me... I'll be back wait for me honey!!!

then we went to 大家樂for hot pot dinner. Movie nite turned to eating nite. we were crazy for大家樂's hot pot... don't ask me why i like it, just "i like it" ha ha no reasons...... after hot pot, we headed to 八爪魚丸 then Chinese heerbal tea... i want to hv 稻香hot pot ar.........

my irregular sleeping pattern is back... I can't sleep well.... wake up every mid nite(i mean 3/4 am) but can't sleep then stay awake ..... so terrible... does anyone know how to solve my problem.......

I checked my credit card statment... my tuition fee bill is coming.... my Chloe bag is gone.....



There's nothing special in this week. Just work, off, school, off, and rest.... then so on and so forth.So routine...I attended the library orientation last fri, the most useful thing is the VPN remote access to the university e-database. sounds useful... but joey will be first benefits for this... hope she finds what she wants for her dissertation.

Chris & I invented a new term during our ACE lesson -- "Non-unhappy"a very neutral one ha ha................. I'm not unhappy but not happy too.

On Sat, we planned to go out with Andy and friends.. but they had operations in the last mins so we called off finally... but 班長went for a movie with us b4 his operation.... he felt really sorry for the call off but to be honest we don't mind cos we understood - it's work ma......

We still have chancessssssssssRight???